Friday, January 22, 2021

Return to the South Coast Botanic Garden (part I)

 Here are a few photos of my return to the South Coast Botanic Garden in Palos Verdes, CA, on a cloudy Friday, January 22nd, two days after the removal of the tyrant. 

I was afraid it might rain and debated whether or not to stay home, but I decided to venture out. No use staying at home, my thoughts crowd me and I get more depressed. I need to go out, and I didn't do so on Thursday. I thought, the clouds will add drama to the skies, and if I get soaked, it will be an experience. I will not take my digital SLR anyway, because my Nikon D750 weighs like an anchor and has delicate electronics that will not hold up to a soaking, but my Fuji GW690ii should be fine, as well as my Travelwide. They are both completely mechanical. But it didn't rain, and we actually had some wonderful clouds, although it got cold an hour into my visit.

Here are photos from my arrival. These are cellphone photos. 

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