Friday, January 29, 2021

Kong vs Godzilla

 Well, years back, if I can find this blog because, in all honesty, I do not think this will be a long-term project, I will remember that, in the month of January, we finally got a big monkey off our back. The monkey was orange-colored, and was a singularly malevolent figure who many adulated, despite his stupidity, narcissism, pettiness and violent streak. But there was another monkey that stayed with us, because there is a big blockbuster movie coming up, and because, I have to admit it, I am a fan of monster movies from a young age. It is the King Kong vs. Godzilla movie, due out in a few weeks.

I know, I know, I should be rereading Don Quixote, the Illiad and Faust, or more modern masters, such as Ursula K. LeGuin and Gene Wolfe, but yes, I was excited by this monster movie. The excitement seems to be shared by many.

Who will win? Will it be another overblown extravaganza with Treat Williams? What is the hold it has on our collective psyche? Well, I will always wonder about that for Trump, but all I know is that we are fascinated by the release of the ID, the center we all have of desires and urges and impulses that doesn't give a damn about anyone and anything else, it wants, craves, rants and destroys, just like the big monsters in this movie. The Trump fanatics, of course, are motivated by a sense of grievance and the so-called threat they see to white-dominance. I am not sure what fear or hope or obsession this upcoming blockbuster movie ties into except a sense that, maybe, that are lives are not as petty and routine and controlled as they seem to be by capitalism, and maybe, seeing monsters fight, although it is the quintessential example of formulaic spectacle filled to the brim with special effect for commercial intent, maybe, just maybe, it offers escape.

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