Saturday, January 9, 2021

Post from the Huntington Library Visit in December of 2020

 Here are a few images from my visit to the Huntington Library Gardens in San Marino, CA, back in December of 2020. I took a few cameras with me, and one of them was my Holga 120 Pan camera that gives me 6x12 images. I actually had the temerity to use slide film even though the plastic lens is very dim and I have no control, or little control, over the shutter (1/100 of a second, or bulb) or aperture (f8), but I was gambling. I figured, if I use Velvia 100 film, I can get away with 1/100th of a second for shutter and the f8 will suffice. By and large, the photos were fine, with the usual Holga quirks, which are, blurry on the edges and vignetting. I brightened up a few of the images after scanning them today. I received them from the Darkroom lab in San Clemente, CA, and I have to admit, even though it costs me about $11 per 120 roll to have them developed, they did a great job. I sent them 7 rolls of 120 film, and have only scanned this one roll. The other photos look great, though.

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