Thursday, January 14, 2021

A visit to LA Chinatown in 2020

 These are slide photos taken with Provia film back in the late fall of 2020. I think these are from early November, and I uploaded cellphone photos a while back. I love the look of these slide images, when you hold them in your hand, they are magical, almost portals to these locations. That is the magic of slide film, the heightened realism. I used my Fuji GW690ii camera, which produces 6x9 images. I am glad I finally got around to scanning this role, it took my mind off the Trump machinations in place for the last six days of his presidency. He was impeached yesterday, for the second time, and it was bipartisan this time, 10 Republicans joined in, but we still have to wait to see if the Senate will convict and remove him so he doesn't serve out the last few days of his term. What gets me is how deeply impregnated MAGAism is in what we may term white communities of all social classes. They make endless excuses for him, they protest about liberals, they insist that his offensiveness was all a matter of tone and lexicon, not of actions and a will to antagonize and divide us with his destructive policies. I have people in my social media circles who are earnest Mormons, others who proclaim themselves as evangelicals, and others as conservative Latinos (yes, the Latinos are not "white"), and they bend over backwards to defund the seditious and violent acts provoked by Trump. I will never get it, they are just seeped and soaked in MAGAism, and they can't see it for what it is, even when they see the photos of protestors wearing "Camp Auschwitz" t-shirts or waving Confederate flags, they can't see the clear message of White Supremacy, and they won't repudiate it. But all of this has nothing to do with Chinatown, except for the fact they would probably find it culturally threatening too, so here, I will post these photos and continue to advocate for pluralism and for respect for other communities.

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