Monday, January 18, 2021

Still no success

 I've been trying since last Thursday to schedule a vaccine appointment for my mom. I know it will take a while before I am eligible, I accept that, but my mom is in a class which should allow her to receive one now. I've been trying the Riverside Health Services pages, trying to call the local pharmacies, and also, trying to schedule one through Kaiser. No luck, I can't get through or they post messages on their websites saying they have no appointment available. On top of that, a batch of the vaccine that was distributed over the weekend at Petco Park in San Diego has been suspended due to allergic reactions. Now I am more concerned that ever. My mom needs the vaccine, but if there is a chance at having an awful allergic reaction, what can I do?

Outside, change is blowin' in the wind. It has been very windy and sunny today, but not hot as it was over the weekend. Today is also the Martin Luther King holiday. I wanted to go out and do something, but no, I just didn't have the energy. I also do no want to be forcing myself to go out every day to a different location while leaving my family at home. Tomorrow, if I can, although I understand we have a forecast for gale-like winds (the Santa Anas will be back). Just what we need in January: hot weather, dry brush and the Santa Anas. As it is, we had a fire last week called the Bonita fire, and it just seems wrong. Not even in winter do we get a respite from the heat? Is fire season year-round now? Have we dried out that much? 

In the meantime, I found this negative lying on the bathtub floor when I was rearranging supplies. It is a scene of plants from a location that I can't identify, but will venture to guess is the California Botanic Garden. My other guess is that it is from the UCR Botanic Garden. I just scanned it right now.

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