Saturday, January 2, 2021

The city next to the River (part 1)

 Here is an 8x10 image of the Chinese gazebo/pavilion next to the library. I knew I made a mistake, I confirmed it when I was adjusting my settings for the next photo I was taking at a different location. What was my mistake? It is massively overexposed. Why is that? Well, I check my composition when I frame it by opening the shutter with an aperture of f8. Then, when I close it, I am supposed to set the aperture to f22. I forgot to do this, so the image was massively overexposed. I was chiding myself for the rest of my time as I finished up taking images. Plus, the composition is way off. It is crooked (at an angle), and I included too much of the sidewalk in front. I thought I had a better composition, but of course, when I set the controls and insert the film holder, it moves the camera. I cannot clamp the camera down effectively with the tripod I am using, and it is frustrating. And finally, my shadow show up. It was only 2 p.m., but the sun is already low in the horizon. Of course, it is winter, I know, and the sun sets at about 4:45 p.m., but I have to frame better.

Still, I am happy that things are getting easier when using this camera. I feel they are, before, each individual frame cost me about 10-15 minutes of frustration to set up. Also, I am thinking of ordering a fresnel screen to see if that brightens up the ground glass. I could really use it.

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