Friday, January 22, 2021

Return to the South Coast Botanic Garden (part VII)

 I was getting ready to leave. The garden look very big on the map, but it is actually smaller. It was getting cold, though, and I gave myself a limited amount of time. I told myself I would leave by 2 p.m. to avoid the martyrdom of driving back home during rush hour. I ended up leaving at that time, but the martyrdom was waiting for me, and I didn't get back until after 4 p.m., but it wasn't so bad, I was listening to lectures on my audio CDs from the Teaching Company. The first, a lecture on classical travel modes in ancient Greece and Rome, and the second, a repetition of the lectures on writing and civilization. What is writing? It is pictorial language, that is the definition I should use. 

I didn't see everything I wanted to see, but I will return. I took about 100 cellphone photos, three 120 rolls of JCH in infrared mode, 6 4x5 slides with Fuji 100 film, and 4 4x5 photos with Foma 200 black and white film. Quite a trip.

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