Monday, January 18, 2021

More photos, but from the past

 The past is another country, as the saying goes. It sounds corny, but if said the right way, it can sound wise.

These are two photos from a relatively long time ago. Given that I have only had my 4x5 camera since early 2019, long ago is relative. I must have taken them in 2019, when I was experimenting with 400 black and white film and not obtaining good results. This time, they (the negatives) actually were acceptable, and I know that back then, I was frustrated with this film and probably dumped the 400 film somewhere.

The first is of the church in the city called Crown, the second, probably Mt. Rubidoux. At the time I was depressed about the passing of my father. Little did we know of the virus that was headed our way.

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