Saturday, January 16, 2021

A few photos from the city by the river (Dec. 2020)

 Hot off the scanner! Photos taken in December of 2020! These are photos I took with my Fuji GW690ii camera, using the now-discontinued Fuji 400H color film. It looks like Fuji is up to their old tricks, discontinuing more of their film stocks and driving users into a mad tizzy. From what I saw, many are in an uproar, and Nico Llasera has already published a video in which he (somewhat) defends Fuji's decision.

I figure, film is a niche market anyway, and of course we can only expect that film will continue to contract, despite a temporary upswing of interest. It is only a matter of time before it is hoary old people in back labs mixing chemicals that will be injected onto surfaces and will intoxicate people. No, no, I am not referring to Breaking Bad and meth labs, I am talking about film emulsions, and yes, I see the day when it will be purely do-it-yourself for those who want to practice photography with film. Enjoy this while we can, this is an expensive hobby but, ultimately, very satisfying.

View of Mt. Rubidoux from the Ryan Bellarmino park. What are those flags? I think this is a future meadow being planned, and those are probably laying out watering pipes to be used to nourish the plants that will be placed there. It will be a beautiful meadow, I am sure.

Murals at an abandoned community center next to the campus of RCC, and in sight of Mt. Rubidoux. This mural is actually next to a liquor store. 

Murals at the abandoned community center. Why abandoned? I don't know. When I drive by there, it always looks empty to me.

Last mural. It is a wonder they have not been defaced yet. I know the raza, they cannot abide seeing any murals or walls without wanted to deface them. Why do I sound so bitter? Because I have seen it over and over again, the destructive impulse in evidence by these youths.

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