Saturday, January 2, 2021

The city next to the River (part 3)

Another one from my Riverside series from January 1st, 2021. Now I have confirmed it, as I had already labeled this film holder. It is defective and gives me light leaks. On one side, the light leak is big, such as seen here. On the next photo, that I will upload in another entry, it is disastrous, wiping out the image. Here, at least you can see something. It is the country court house for the city next to the river. I have photographed it many times, I love the stately building and the sculptures. Here, I had to position myself almost at the beginning of the stairs. I was worried, too, because there was an elderly Asian lady walking on the sidewalk behind me, without a facemask, and she kept looking at me and at the camera. I was sure she would come and ask me about what I was doing, and I would be in the uncomfortable position of having to run away from her because she was not using her mask. She ended up giving me my space. I wonder how court sessions are being held during this period, because one thing is certain, crime does not stop for a pandemic.

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