Tuesday, January 5, 2021

One from Rancho Guajome in Vista, CA

 Here is an exposure from this past Sunday, January 3rd, taken from my quick, madhap travel to three distinct locations in northern San Diego county. My first stop was the Rancho Guajome historic site, and I took this 8x10 photo there. I was using Fomapan film and an orange filter. I had difficulty finding compositions, but arriving as I did after 11 a.m., I knew that the sun would be lighting up the front of the structure. The interior was closed off, though, probably due to Covid restrictions because, in the past, I have gone during the weekend and found it open during this season of pandemic. 

Why is the photo so contrasty? Blame the orange filter. I don't really need it, or else, I should try using my yellow filter, not the orange. Also, why is it not better composed? The answer is that the ground glass, even at f8, is very dim. I cannot really see the whole composition, and I desperately need a fresnel lens. 

Still, after the two disastrous photos from San Luis Rey that I posted earlier, I am actually pleased by this one. It is such a relief. Now, I just have to take care of several problems to be able to become consistent with my exposures.

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