Friday, January 8, 2021

Covid and other matters

 So it finally happened. After having his Twitter account frozen for 12 hours in the wake of the MAGA riot in Washington, and with the death toll climbing to five, with a police officer joining in the list of fatalities, we had Twitter finally, finally, finally permanently disable Trump's account with the rationale that there was a probability that he would continue to incite acts of violence. All the violence of the past four years didn't count, though, because they gave him every consideration in the world, and allowed him to publish his demonizing, vindictive, untrue and demented assertions, but now, they take this step, maybe four years too late. 

I know, I know, Trump threatened the social media companies with removing their immunities if they didn't give him unfettered access, and they were cowed and continued to give in to his demands, but now that he has promoted this baseless narrative of a stolen election and fomented violence, and now that the election win for Biden has been ratified, they act brave and decide to punish him. Twitter did it briefly in 2020 when the Black Lives Matter movement flared up again, when Trump wrote a post about "when the looting starts, the shooting starts" (something we didn't see, by the way, when the MAGA rioters smashed into the capital building), and they suspended that "twit" (post) calling it an incitement to violence, but this should have been done long, long ago. He was threatening liberals and any people with dissenting views even in his campaign rallies in 2016, yet they gave in to him, they were, in a word, "gutless", and we had so much damage done because they gave him unfettered access to the social media world, and he was able to spread his propaganda widely. So now, finally, they take that step, when politicians are trying to ramp up to impeach him again, when others are urging that the 25th Amendment be invoked to remove him, when the inauguration will take place on January 20th, now they take the step. It took way to long.

Here is the Covid count for today. We are rapidly spiraling towards 400,000 Covid deaths here in the USA alone by inauguration day, and of course, the MAGA leader had shown no leadership, he has been busy peddling his false and baseless claims of electoral fraud. We have a crisis out of control, and a vaccination rollout that is underperforming in a "bigly" way, to use one of Trump's phrases, because they are hopelessly missing deadlines, and each state is on their own with regards to vaccination rollouts. When Biden takes office he has already announced that vaccinations will be administered to all without holding back the second dose, to maximize the reach, and even if one dose doesn't afford the maximum protection that the two dose regime does, it offers some, more than 50%, and I am in agreement, we should do it. (The same is being done in the United Kingdom where they are having a major breakout of their own.)

Here is the information from Worldmeters. I use this source and not John Hopkins because the latter does not present the information in a succinct way, but the two counts are not far off.

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