Tuesday, January 5, 2021

One from Alta Vista Gardens from Jan 3rd

 And here is a very, very, very thin negative taken with my 8x10 Willtravel camera on Sunday, January 3rd. I thought I gave it sufficient exposure, but it is so thin! I should have given it at least two more stops. I will have to take note of it. 

I am please, though, at the resulting image. When I get a string of acceptable compositions, I will consider that I have made progress.

(I am uneasy this night because today is the day of the special election in the state of Georgia, a runoff to choose their two senators and decide who will control the senate for the first Biden presidential term. I am really nervous, but am trying to steel myself for disappointment. Hopefully it will turn out well, after all, Georgia did choose Biden, and this negative did produce an acceptable image. I really hope so.)

This is a statue by Ricardo Braceda.

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