Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Arboretum in Winter

It is back to school, which means, back to Zoom sessions. I had my first two classes yesterday, and I will have two more tomorrow. I would like to say that it will be a breeze, but I know things will clog down in a few weeks and we'll be stumbling towards the finish line in May. However, it was nice to have the six week break after fall semester.

Today I had the day off, and I was debating what I could do. We are expecting rain for the next few days, for Thursday and Friday, so today was the day to do anything. I was originally planning on going to San Diego, to the botanic garden, but I just don't want to make that long drive. It seems like only yesterday, but I wanted to go back to the LA Arboretum in Arcadia. Memory tells me I was last there recently, but no, it was the end of October. Maybe it is because I feel I have seen most of what I can see there, but I have to take into account that the place changes with the seasons, and now, it would be winter as opposed to early fall. I think I really missed out on fall color, I saw some photos on the web where the plants (mostly trees) were spectacular in late November, and I had the misfortune of going in late October, when only one tree was changing color. But I went to plenty of other places, so I saw many things.

This time, the entrance was changed to a side gate. It was a little chilly today, but not too much, and the mountains have a fresh coat of snow. They were not visible from the garden, however, so I will make a note to myself, if I want to see the San Gabriel mountains as a backdrop to the plants and trees, I will have to go to the California Botanic Garden. You can't see them from the Arboretum.

The peacocks are quite tame, they wait for you to pass by them, and they walk in a haughty, regal, Melania Trump sort of way. I shot a few today with my Nikon DSLR. Yes, I took the DSLR, plus my Fuji GW690 and my cellphone. I shot a few hundred photos with the Nikon, intending as I do to pick a few and make a book. I also shot about four rolls of 120 film, three of infrared (one Rollei, two JCH Streetpan, one Fuji 400H0, and a few dozen cellphone photos.

All in all, things looked different and always photogenic. I am glad I went. The clouds did not interfere, and I think I will have some dramatic skies with the IR photos. I can't wait to see them, but not today, I do not have the energy to develop them today. Nor tomorrow, maybe on the weekend, because right now, I ate a carne asada burrito and all I want to do is lounge in bed like a decadent Roman senator. (I spent my time listening to the Teaching Company lectures on my CD player in my car as I was driving, the ones about the Greco-Roman Civilization.) 

Here are a few cellphone photos.

I finally saw the waterfall flowing! Finally, on my third trip! It is a beautiful little artificial waterfall. I love the tree to the side. If only we had had direct sunlight on this scene, but I get the sensation this does not happen.

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