Sunday, January 3, 2021

Way too many mistakes with the 8x10 today

 Today I went out to photograph. I decided I will not go out every day, that is too punishing a schedule, plus, I need to be at home to help secure the house. But since I didn't go out yesterday, and today it was shaping up to be a bright day, I went to San Diego county. My destinations? First, the Rancho Guajome Adobe, then a visit to Alta Vista Gardens, and finally, San Luis Rey Mission. It turned out to be a punishing day after all, but the last destination was a necessity because it made me think of my aunt Socorro, who passed away the day after Christmas, Dec. 26th, 2020. I can't get over the sadness.

Here are a few cellphone photos. I didn't take many, these are what I took. I also took about a 11 or 12 8x10 photos, but I will have to develop those and I had absolutely no urge to start doing so today after returning from my photography outing. As a matter of fact, I want to give the 8x10 a break. I am tired of the methodical nature of that type of photography, it just drains me, and I kept on making mistake after mistake today. I need a break.

The facade of the Rancho Guajome Adobe. I got lost trying to get here, I got off on Old Gopher Rd as usual, but missed the turn on Osborne because I decided to try for Alta Vista Garden. And I got returned to the 76 freeway, making the trip longer than it should have been. 

At the Adobe, trying to find compositions but not having much luck. There were a few more people than I ordinarily see at this place, but the attendants were not there, so there was no way to access the interior courtyard. So, we were left to wander around outside. Of course, I forgot my baseball cap at home.

This was next to the small church building, which was closed, incidentally. I kept searching and searching for a composition with this structure, but none suggested itself. I still don't really like this cellphone shot. That tree in the back does, as they say, nothing for me.

I was trying and trying for a composition but not finding one at this location at the adobe. All I kept hearing in my mind was the Ben Horne phrase, "Too chaotic", but in reality, the juxtaposition of elements was all wrong.

Here is one that I was trying. I wasted a sheet of film because it was loaded wrong in the holder. I wasted another one at the San Luis Rey mission, and I think it was the same holder. It seems I have a defective holder, which disappoints me because this was supposed to be a reliable Fidelity Elite Holder, and those end up costing me about $100 each. Down the drain of large format photography. As they say, stay poor, shoot film.

All these photos are from the Rancho Guajome Adobe. This is the courtyard which was closed off. What you don't see is the rope shutting off the possibility of access. It was a shame, the sun was lighting up the courtyard and I think I could have obtained a good photo, but, I am getting tired of the 8x10. I committed too many mistakes today.

On a final note, wise words. Enjoy life now, don't postpone it. I wish I could go back to the early 80s when I was a UCLA undergrad and tell myself that, instead of wasting all those evenings working on physics problems.

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