Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Sycamore Creek Interpretive Center

 These are photos of the trees of golden hues that are seen in the area next to the 15 freeway heading south, near the Indian Truck Trail offramp. I would drive by this area and feel an unbearable urge to get off the highway and take photos, and I finally did, in December. These colors are wonderful, and there is actually a closed interpretive center where, I think, in ordinary circumstances, we should have had access, but not this year, not in the year of Covid. I parked there, though, in a small lot that was really an entranceway, and I walked along the fence and took photos. These were taken with Fuji 400H film, and the colors seem a little off, but when I try to correct them with my Epson scanner, they come out worse, so I am leaving them as they are.

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