Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Another 8x10 from Hidden Valley

 Here is another image from Hidden Valley, my second one after the one I published in the previous post. They are from the same holder, a Lisco Regal II that is thoroughly trustworthy. I am happy I ordered these holders because my Fidelity Elite holders, which are supposed to be of a different category, have already failed me in previous photos.

I walked up the incline and took another horizon shot. Same problems as before, haze that obscures the San Gabriel mountains. I do love the open landscape. I will have to check as well if the negative is sharp, because here, these should be focused on infinity. I have the helix all the way flush with the camera, and have not moved it since last week. When I compose, I no longer even bother to check my focus. I will have to verify if the images are sharp. 

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