Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Back to the Future

 A second impeachment for Trump! He has been impeached again by the House! It might not amount to anything because the unreconstructed Trumpists in the Senate will not move on this, but at least a statement was made, and it was bipartisan, there were Republican House members who joined in. McConnell will probably find a way to ignore it in the Senate, but it will redound to his discredit. The Republicans may never pay the price for this act of sedition, but they will have to pay some price.

To escape the news and the feeling of depression, I went back to the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve. I had to do so, it was sunnier today and I thought, I might be able to use my 8x10 camera.

And I did, I took it along. I must have arrived at about 11:15 a.m., and it was sunny enough, although the haze was starting to take over the way it had yesterday, when it enveloped the skies in the late afternoon. This time, by arriving earlier, I was able to get some sunlight, and it did make a difference. I just developed two sheets of 8x10 and I have them in containers being rinsed, but I think I obtained something. No colors, though, I was using black and white film, but it will be wonderful to see the giant negatives once they are dry. Maybe tomorrow I will post those scans.

In the meantime, here are a few cellphone photos of my trip today. I was there until about 1 p.m. By then, the haze was sweeping over everything, so there was no point trying to get more photos of expansive landscapes. Of course I made more mistakes. I am finding out that the aperture control setting moves around on its own on the Minolta Autocord, so I will have to pay attention. I thought various times I had set it to f11 or f16 and, lo and behold, when I looked down, it was at f5.6 or some other setting. Some perverse entity or energy is moving it. The spirit of a Trumpist trying to get angry at me for all the times I raged against this poor excuse of a president.

Here are the photos:

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