Tuesday, January 12, 2021

A walk around the block (while it was still sunny)

Here are a few cellphone photos of my walk around the block. Nothing spectacular, I am doing this a few times a week for the needed exercise, but at times, I feel like taking a few photos. It was a little chilly but the sun was bright, which is quite a difference with what happened later on today, when I went to the Hidden Valley Nature Reserve and the sky clouded up.

On my way along Lincoln Ave.

A burbling fountain for a church, Living Waters. This seems like a modest little congregation, nothing like the gaudy super-churches loved by the evangelical mega-church establishments. I hope they are truer to the message of love, because the mega-churches are just exercises in ostentation as well as cash-cows for the profits, I mean, for their pastors. White supremacy and capitalism, those are the two legs of the evangelical churches nowadays. The other? Ostentation. Hmm, Ostentation, Osteen, is there any connection? Have you seen photos of the mega mansion in which the Osteens live? That is Christianity? Well, count me out, you profiteers. 

Note the airplane flying over the bridge.

The tile factory, in a composition that could be a little better.

The tile factory, with a better spatial display of elements.

Entrance to the tile factory; I've wanted to walk inside to take photos, and did so once, but the photo did not come out. And, if I do, I will certainly be chased out. I can hear it in my head, the voice of the character of Mr. Burns in the Simpsons: Release the hounds!

The train was just passing by as I was walking over the bridge. 

The trees along Railroad are almost bare. 

Detritus along the way, there are cigarrette butts and empty mini liquor bottles (of plastic). 

Beautiful colors on this tree.

One more of the tile factory.

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