Monday, January 11, 2021

Waiting in dread

 These days of waiting for Trump to leave the presidency while the media highlights the social chatter on right-wing networks that calls for more riots for this upcoming weekend (January 16-17th) is almost unbearable. We are all so desperate to get over this president, to have him consigned to oblivion, for him to become a footnote of ignominy, to never hear that grating voice again, but it is dragging. The calls are very loud that he should resign, he should be impeached or else the 25th Amendment should be applied, but Republicans, who are not contrite about the riot, are resisting. The right-wingers are, of course, planning more riots, but this time, hopefully, there will be security personnel in the organizational structure who are not complicit with the rioters and who will try to stop them. Yes, you heard me, the information is trickling out that the security failures were due to law enforcement that was complicit with the rioters. We are close to being a failed democracy. 

In the meantime, I went ahead and took care of a few personal items. I sent more film to be developed by the Darkroom, and mailed a book to a friend. Also, I took a TB skin test, and will need to report back to my medical provider in two days to obtain results. Also, I had other labwork performed. And finally, I exposed four more sheets of 8x10 film, this time at the Mary Vagle center to which I returned. I developed two sheets a few hours ago and they look outstanding. Those new film holders I ordered are wonderful.

Now, I just have to find some peace. My mantra: don't worry about the things you can't control, worry only about those you can. I cannot do anything about the right-wingers who are planning their demonstrations and their shows of intimidation, but I can prepare myself and my family at home and try to be as secure as possible. It is true what they say, the Trumpers are a death cult that is bent upon killing democracy. They will not accept a fair election loss, and they love the authoritarian style of Trump. They are a death cult of democracy.

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