Thursday, January 7, 2021

Two from the Riverside Parkway (part I)

 This photo was taken with Fomapan 200 film, 8x10, on January 6th, the day of the attempted MAGA coup, when the capital police let raging Trump insurrectionists take over the capital building with minimal resistance.

I was driving back from the UCR Botanic Garden and decided to drop off here and take a few 8x10 photos with my Willtravel, to kind of make up for the disappointment of the two San Luis Rey exposures I took on Sunday. I wanted to see what I was doing wrong, since those exposures were ruined by massive light leaks. Also, I have had no luck taking 8x10 photos at this Riverwalk location, each time, a problem always crops up.

I showed up at around 12:30 p.m. and took the camera down there. I knew the shots I wanted, so it was no problem to head out there. I was much more methodical, and I realize, with 8x10, I cannot photograph the way I do with digital SLRs, I have to slow down and check everything, and just be slow, I am not snapping away.

Here is one shot. The orange filter is not really darkening the sky, maybe I need to try to buy a red 25A, but right now, I have accrued way too many charges on my credit card, so I would rather wait until the third week of January. 

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