Saturday, January 2, 2021

The first Saturday of 2021

 Good morning, I woke up today a little after 5 a.m. (which is about two hours earlier than I usually do) and could not go back to sleep. I am frustrated by what is going on in congress, and I tell myself, if I read news reports about the machinations of McConnell, I will not be able to rest. I do not read the "tweets" by Trump, those ignorant, malicious and simplistic expressions of an overburdened and deluded ego are starting to be ignored by all, but when I read other reports about how the Senate leader wants to condition any increase in Covid aid to support for his fraudulent claims of election fraud, with people as desperate as they are, it angers me. To use human suffering to try to steal an election is beyond the scope of what any humane individual would do, but leave it to Trump and his subordinates to dig deeper.

I read a report that there were over 580 Covid deaths in California alone (in California alone!) on the first of January. I can see why. There is so much indifference to the virus now, and when I go out, I see so many people who are not wearing facemasks. To me, it is 50/50, that is, half wear them and half don't. That is no way to stop a pandemic.

I saw it when I went on my photography jaunt yesterday in Riverside. The streets were not full by any means, so that means that some people are sheltering in place, but of those who were out, half were not wearing face masks. They were of all groups, Anglos, Latinos, even a few Asians. It frustrates me especially to see that Latinos, even the families, do not wear them. They are not rich, they value their families, but there they are, just ignoring the recommendations. Maybe they can't afford a box of masks which costs about $17, from what I remember of my trip to Home Depot. Maybe they are just tired. Maybe they have faith in la Virgen, but something is not right.

But time to stop carping. Hopefully I can get out today. I need exercise. Good morning again, it is 7:17 a.m. as I write this.

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