Monday, January 11, 2021

Minolta Autocord CLA

 I received my Minolta Autocord after service was performed to it. I sent it a week ago, on January 4th, 2021, and it arrived in Oregon, to service technician extraordinaire Karl Bryan, on Thursday, January 7th. He was not really communicative, although posters in the forums indicated that we was, but with me, I get the impression that he was minimally communicative. He did send me a message when he received it, however, and he performed the repair services. They turned out to be much more costly than I imagined. I was planning on the $100 for the CLA for the helical focus mount, I had the stiff focusing lever, but then, a slew of other minor repairs added up to $200, and then, $20 for Paypal fees (that seems excessive to me) and $20 for postage (that is about right) and it came out to $240.

I think I could have bought a much nicer Minolta Autocord, a more recent model, with more features and in stellar working condition, for under $300. So, I paid more than I was expecting, given that I was really only budgeting $150 total for this service, and the forum posters said his prices were very reasonable. I feel that the focusing lever for my Autocord is no longer stiff, but I was stiffed. 

I will try to take it out somewhere tomorrow and shoot a few rolls. The black and white I will develop at home, the color, I will send out. But it was very quick service, just that the price was more than what I could obtain for a decent, CLA'd Minolta Autocord, judging by the samples sales offers posted on the forums. Nothing I can do about it now, or as Azriel Knight says, nothing to do now but get this camera loaded and go out and shoot.

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