Thursday, December 17, 2020

An 8x10 at the Riverwalk

 I must confess, my ulterior motive for going to the Riverwalk was to see if my 8x10 Willtravel, which was in a disastrous accident on Nov. 1st, and which I taped up yesterday, would work again. I went with high hopes. Turned out, the hopes were somewhat dashed. I have a big light leak.

Here is scene one:

I was using Arista 200 film, f22, 1/60 shutter speed on a very gloomy scene. I mounted the Willtravel to the same tripod that got me in trouble last time, but in the vertical format. This time I will stick to horizontal where the release plate seems to hook in more tightly. There is a massive, massive light leak. I think I know where it is, in the edge of the camera where the biggest crack appeared. I taped over the crack, of course, but the edge is still loose. I will need a clamp such as this one to hold the light holders firmly in check and to hopefully seal the camera so no light leaks in.

I would have ordered it already but delivery is not promised until after Christmas. There are massive mailing delays because of, well you guessed it, Christmas and the deluge of packages that the post office has to deliver. So, instead, I will try to go to a local hardware store tomorrow to see if I can find something similar, although I already checked the websites for Home Depot and for Lowe's and didn't find it. But I will find something, I think, then try out the 8x10 Willtravel again. The fact is, I got part of an image but the light leak spoiled it. I even think it is in focus. The image looks clear and in focus on the ground glass (which is acrylic). I don't think it is the lens, I think it is the edges which were cracked and opened up, and which opened up a space since the holders do not lie flush against the back of the camera anymore. We'll see.

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