Thursday, December 17, 2020

My taped-up Willtravel 8x10 camera

 Masive accident, massive crack (akin to the San Andreas faultline), and a quick fix with electrical tape. Hey, if Erick Constantineau can use it for his home-made Dorethea 8x10 camera, I can use it to try to repair a wounder WillTravel camera. But it didn't work. I had a massive light leak, and I think I will need clamps to fix it. We'll see. If the clamps work, I will be overjoyed.

The source of my problem last time (Nov. 1st), when the camera fell off the tripod. The release plate does not go in very securely to this mount, the thread barely engage. It is a major defect in this camera.

My viewfinder was broken. I can no longer insert it into the mount.

The helical was damaged as well. I had to use the spare helical that the makers send me in the original package.

I think the lens is still fine! It cocks the shutter, the shutter speeds sound right, the aperture blades still open and close, I think I escaped the worst of the damage. The filter lining is much rougher now, but compared to what could have been, I count myself very, very fortunate. I bought the lens (a Schneider 121mm) from Igor's Camera Exchange (via Ebay) for about $330 back in October.

The biggest crack was here. I taped it up. This didn't really solve the problem.

My release plate for my Slick "pair of legs", as Mat Marrash called tripods.

The damaged helical

The damaged viewfinder

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