Wednesday, December 9, 2020

More with the 8x10 pinhole

 Another exposure with the 8x10 pinhole camera I bought a few weeks ago from Fleabay. I exposed them at the California Botanic Garden in Claremont, CA, on Dec. 6th, on a day which was actually bright. Exposure was 40 seconds with Catlabs 80 film. I have an orange filter over the lens. I can't believe how wide angle this camera is, I was right there in front of the camera, but it looks as if I was 20 feet away. This is wider, I think, than 20mm in 35mm format terms. But, I get a giant 8x10 negative, and it is reasonably sharp, or as reasonable as one can expect for fuzzy pinhole images. If I were to take this with an Intrepid camera, though... but that would involve spending another $1,500 to get a MKii camera and a suitable lens, and I don't have that money now, so this pinhole camera will be it for me for the near future.

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