Wednesday, December 2, 2020

I need another "descanso"

What happened? These are two photos taken with JCH Streetpan 400 and my R72 filter. I recognize the place, it is Descanso Gardens in Flintridge. It was a warm day a few months ago, and this is the only time I have been here.

I didn't do a good job with these photos. The first one, I thought, would highlight the fire in the Angeles mountains. I should have been easy enough, just aim at infinity then shift the focus to the IR mark. I don't appear to have done so, or else, something else happened. It is also possible that the shutter speed was too slow so I blurred the photo, especially since I was standing on a dirt hillside. The other one is sharper, but really, the composition is terrible. What is my focus, the flowers or the fireclouds? This is just a question of not planning shots and, instead, wanting to finish a roll. Not a good outing this time. 

Which, of course, reminds me that I have been planning on returning to Descanso Garden soon, to try to photograph the turning colors of the leaves. They have published photos of beautiful yellow trees, as well as blooming flowers. I just haven't had a chance to return. I will, though, but probably not until I have finished with my classes. I need to give my students final exams, grade them, then calculate overall grades then submit them to the system. It will probably not be until mid December when I am done. Then I will have earned my "Descanso".

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