Monday, December 28, 2020

Photos from La Casa Romántica de San Clemente, CA

 Here are a few scans of my 4x5 black and white negatives from my visit a few months ago to La Casa Romántica de San Clemente, CA. It is a beautiful garden in the über-affluent community in the heart of Orange County, a place that makes me nervous because the only Latinos one sees here are the servants. Each house must be worth over a million dollars, because, of course, this is an über-affluent community in a state of extreme real estate prices.

I think I was using my Rollei IR 400 film with my R72 filter. I can tell from the look of the leaves. It was a cloudy day, although as I was getting to leave, the sun peeped out. Maybe the sun is also a Latino servant, cleaner, landscaper, etc., who lies low in this community. Thus, infrared film was not my best option for this day.

I spent several house here, and the vantage points are beautiful. There were very few people, and I had plenty of space to myself. I know it would make an excellent subject with my 8x10 camera, but not now, not in this catastrophic surge of Covid cases at the end of the year. Next summer, surely, when most people have been inoculated and we have achieved some sort of herd immunity. For now, we have to hunker down. And I'll go when the sun is out.

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