Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Another visit to the garden

 These are cellphone photos from my visit to the California Botanic Garden in Claremont, CA. I go here frequently, and it is a pleasure each time. I am slowly exploring more and more of this garden, and each time, I try to take a new trail. Also, I traveled light today! I had been planning on taking my 8x10 Willtravel camera, but after hefting my bag with my film holders, I just didn't want to. It robs any pleasure from these trips if I have to be loaded like a burro climbing up the Andes, which is what it would feel like, so I just took my backpack with my Minolta Autocord TLR and my cellphone. I shot two rolls of JCH Streetpan, using my infrared filter. I hope they turn out, I may, or may not, have the energy to develop the rolls today. (I really don't want to.) But I enjoyed my trip so much today, even though I was traveling still with a heavy heart. I was thinking about my tía Socorro, and it hurts that she passed away last Saturday. 

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