Thursday, December 17, 2020

New location, another riverwalk (but so different)

I didn't know we had this. Up until now, I have been walking next to a river channel we have in the city called Crown, and it was not a beautiful walk. There is an abundance of trash in the river, the water, which is not very high, looks murky, and there are abandoned shopping carts here and there which are abandoned by homeless people who sleep under the overpasses during the warmer months. It is not beautiful.

So, I typed in "park" in Google for a location close to the city called Crown, and this was one of the options. I have seen most of the others, they are fine, mostly big fields of mowed lawns with baseball diamonds, or else dog parks, or else tracks to walk around and jungle gym equipment for the children. Not things I would ordinarily want to photograph. But this option came up, a riverwalk a few miles away, in the city called, appropriately, Riverside. I finally made it out here.

I was surprised! I couldn't believe it. One gets off the Pierce offramp and one sees the riverwalk immediately. I went ahead and parked in an industrial lot, fearing that I might get a ticket at any moment but rationalizing by telling myself that there were no restrictions posted. (Well, I did see one as I returned which warned against unauthorized visitors, but I figured, if they have an attraction such as the river walk, they must want people to visit it, and where else are they going to park?)

I took a long walk, maybe 30 or more minutes, from one end to the other. I went to see a new place, and it was very pleasant, although the weather was not cooperating. We were supposed to have sunshine, but the clouds rolled in and obscured the sun (mostly), although from time to time we would get a little sunshine. Mostly things were in gloom, but I loved the walk nonetheless, and when the sun did peek out, the fall colors were glorious. Just wait until you see the scene of La Sierra University.

There were very few people here! Very few! I felt safe walking here, and of the few people I saw, one could tell they were of the prosperous suburban types, which don't ordinarily make me feel safe, but I ignored them. The reason is, my impression is that suburban types get hostile when they see people of minority backgrounds, as if we are invading their precious isles of domesticity. But they are our places too.

Here are a few cellphone photos:

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