Monday, December 28, 2020

What happens when you process a Fuji slide in black and white chemicals?

 Well, this is what happened to me. I was careless, I was unloading film holders and this one had slide film, but I unloaded it and placed it into an envelope with black and white negatives, and I ended up developing it at home instead of taking it in the right envelope to be developed in slide chemicals (dip and dunk) at the lab in Irvine.

The information on the web said that I would obtain an image, and here it is. It is still a shame that I lost the color information. Also, it was not the best angle, I got some lens flare because I was shooting into the light to the left. 

This is the Japanese garden at Brand Park in Glendale, CA, a city otherwise known as "Little Yerevan" because of the giant Armenian community. As one drives here one sees many cars flying Armenian flags. At the time, a few months ago, Armenia was in a minor war with Azerbaijan. The latter were trying to recuperate lands which had been wrested away from them by Armenia. They achieved it. Now, I have known a few Armenians, but no people from Azerbaijan. I think Armenians are a long-suffering people, but I also think that that land was not properly theirs. Armenia needs to recuperate their historic lands in eastern Turkey, but of course, that will not happen. But what concern is it of mine for these territorial disputes?

I just want to return to Brand Park, once again, with my 8x10 camera. There are some marvelous features to photography, but also, the whole county of Los Angeles (and much of southern California) is living a crisis phase of the Covid pandemic. I might not make it back for a few more months.

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