Sunday, December 6, 2020

More from the CBG on Dec. 6th

 Here is the first batch of cellphone photos from my visit to the California Botanic Garden on Dec. 6th. I arrived nice and early, at about 9:10 a.m., and it was very pleasantly uncrowded, which means, solitary. I loved it. The day was cloudless but it was slightly chilly. It is fall, but soon, will be winter. But it was still in the mid 70s today.

Beautiful fall colors!

This pond is located next to the entranceway. I have seen it before but have not visited it because people would be sitting around it. Today, it was all mine.

This is a forest. Only a few trees, but a forest, with the colors I imagine from a Thomas Heaton video on Youtube. He lives in colorful (and wet) Great Britain, where they have had fall for a long time. I live in California, and in this desert clime, we only have fall in spots. This feels (and looks) like fall.

Another pond

I arrived and took my first pinhole image here. I struggled mightily to mount the camera on the tripod. Also, the contrast range is too great in this unevenly lit scene, the pond is dark, the trees are too light. I took it as a gamble, to see what the pinhole can do. 

This is the vantage point I should have used for my first 8x10 pinhole image.

Clayfornia figures. These seem strangle to evoke female genitalia.

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