Saturday, December 19, 2020

Covid news is not good

 Covid is exploding throughout this country. It is very bad in California as well. I found out today that a close friend caught it several days ago. It was a shock. He told me he had been taking precautions, and had tried to "social distance" (stay at least six feet away from others), always wear a mask and also wash his hands frequently, but it didn't work, he caught the virus. He said it has been difficult for him, he had major respiratory problems and a fever. He is trying to recuperate at home.

Also, another friend told me that he and his staff were told not to report to work because someone on his crew had come down with Covid. They are working for a big university, and he is part of the maintenance staff. There are very, very few students there, they went virtual the way the majority of universities did this past semester, but someone caught it, and he was told to stay home and get a test. I hope he didn't catch it. 

So, Covid is circulating freely. I have to be much more careful and curtail most of my visits. I cannot afford the risks. This winter will be very difficult. It seems as if the virus thrives in cold air and breezes. 

I humbly ask for protection for my family and myself. 

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