Wednesday, December 9, 2020

More from the Huntington Library

 These photos were taken with my Holgapan 120 camera, the plastic fantastic camera that gives me 6x12cm images. Only the center is usable, the sides are unacceptably blurry, but that is fine with me, the camera is very, very portable and hardly weighs anything, not like my Fuji GW690ii that weighs like an anchor and is bending my back. The film was, wait for it, Fuji Neopan Acros, the original formulation, not the new version that came out earlier this year. I know, I know, it seems as if I am at cross purposes, using a very sharp film on a camera (Holga) famous for not being sharp because of the plastic lens, but it worked out. Now, I just have to stop using red filters with Acros, and also, get the hang of loading my film reels when I am ready to develop the negatives. It is still causing me problems.

These photos are a combination of the Japanese and the Chinese gardens at the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA, from my trip on Friday, Dec. 4th. I call it, Ode to Procrastination, because I should have been working on Friday. So be it.

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