Monday, December 7, 2020

Interesting result at Brand Park

 A few weeks ago I went to Brand Park in Glendale as the second part of a trip I took to visit places in the northern reaches of Los Angeles county. Most of my photos of that location turned out lousy, and part of it, I fear, was due to my having used dilute fix when I was developing the negatives. So many of those photos came out lousy, in fact, that I will need to return and try again, hopefully during an afternoon when I am hoping sunlight will be better. Still, it doesn't change the fact that I made mistakes.

Here is one. This is a black and white sheet of film that I accidentally included in the shipment of slides I sent to be processed by the Darkroom, the nationally-known film lab in San Clemente, CA. I think it was processed as a slide, I don't think that in an operation such as that one they have time to feel all the notches to verify that the film is what it was listed by the customer as being. So, if it was processed in slide chemicals, I am very surprised I obtained something! This is a 4x5 sheet and it almost looks like a regular sheet. The bad thing, however, is that I was under the impression that I caught this scene in color. It was beautiful. Another confirmation that everything was going sour that day for me, photographically-speaking. I will try again.

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