Saturday, December 12, 2020

The CPP Japanese Garden (Nov. 1st)

 I saw this negative emerging from my Patterson development tank today and I couldn't help but exclaim in wonder. Wow. This was from the Kolve camera with the 121mm lens, the one that, a few minutes later, fell off the tripod and smashed to pieces. It is the Japanese garden at a university nearby. Wow, for a 3D printed point and shoot camera, it has promise. But it is flimsy, that is what I don't like, it is made of cheap materials and is not sturdy at all. I cannot risk spending another $700 to replace it. That is why my only option is to wait for an Intrepid 8x10 Mk2, but that will cost more. For now, I will look at this negative and shake my head over what could have been if I had not broken this camera.

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