Friday, December 18, 2020

The Heritage Park with the ultra-wide 8x10

 Here is an image from the Heritage Park in Santa Fe Springs (yes, I have posted many photos from this spot) that I must have taken back in November. I developed it today in my Patterson tank using the 20th Century Camera reel. The negative was blown out, I could not get a usable image from it when I tried to invert it. So, I lightened the negative then obtained my image. I am surprised that the spots are not so overwhelming in this image. 

My original negative, taken with what must have been Arista EDU 200 film, judging by the green color of the anti-halation layer when I rinsed the negative. It was unusable for obtaining an image.

I did my best and lightened the dark spots in the negative. It took several passes with software. 

And this is the inverted image. It is the mini orange grove next to the windmill. It must have been a 30 second exposure on a bright day. I don't know if I was using the orange filter. Note to self: I need to take exposure notes for all my 8x10 images.

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