Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Another one from Heritage

 And here is my next shot from Heritage Park. I saw this fountain, and it was almost spotlighted by the sun. Why not take the photo? Well, I wasn't careful enough. I was fidgeting with the composition and had to hold the camera in a funny way, in a vertical, not horizontal, orientation. Once again, it had to be hand-held because there was no ability to mount the camera to a tripod, and this time, I was on asphalt again. I will not take risks. So, I took the shot, but of course, when loading the film holder, I was not careful enough to hold it flush when removing and then inserting the film slide, so light leaked in. Sheesh! Like in Murphy's Law, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. I am making all the mistakes possible with large format, and right off the bat, too.

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