Friday, December 4, 2020

Another with the Riverside Courthouse

 One more of the Riverside Courthouse taken on Nov. 29th, 2020. This one, I have to admit, I could have framed a little better. I was distracted, I have to admit. There was a racing car park close to where my car was parked and a photographer taken some photos, and I was worried he might start driving up and down and imperil my car. Plus, I was really forcing myself to look for a new composition. This one, I thought, I could frame with the bright roses on the bottom. The sun felt as if it was fading fast, and yes, there was a slight breeze. With pinholes, given the long exposures, you need to look for still movement. 

With this negative as well as the prior one, I had an orange filter taped over the filter. It doesn't seem to be doing much to darken the sky. I guess I will try a red filter in the future. The exposure with this orange filter was about 30 seconds. I am really impressed, this pinhole is so much brighter than the other one I was using on the aluminum 8x10 camera.

I would love to take this wooden 8x10 camera and take exposures of the statues at the Huntington Library Garden, but I would have to carry around at least five holders, as well as a heavy tripod. I'm not doing that. But I will go to locations and do like the photographers of old did. If you have heavy equipment, then you try not to venture too far away from your camera. 

I think I can wait on the Intrepid 8x10 camera for a little while. 

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