Sunday, December 13, 2020

Vaccine distribution set to begin

 According to this story in the New York Times, Covid vaccine distribution is about to begin. The FDA approved the vaccine at the end of last week. It was a lightning-fast process for a medication which is claimed to be 95% effective. It will consist of two shots, administered a few weeks apart, to each individual, but they have priorities as to who will receive them first. Those first in line will be health care professionals, as well as those administering the vaccines, but then nursing home residents will be counted among them too. I'm not sure where I fall as a teaching professional. The über-leader is crowing that he was responsible, from what I saw in a snippet of video, but of course, he had nothing to do with it. The vaccine was developed by a German firm (headed by two immigrant Turkish scientists), and is a partnership with Pfizer, who merely worked to acquire the vaccine. (I can't wait for inauguration day to arrive.)

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