Tuesday, December 15, 2020

More Braceda statues at the Alta Vista Gardens

Hot out of the Patterson tank! Two more 8x10 pinhole photos from my trip to the Alta Vista Gardens on Dec. 14th, the day that Biden's presidential win was ratified by the electoral college.

These are statues by Ricardo Braceda. They are whimsical, featuring dinosaurs. For the first one, I had much difficulty. I suspected I was going to end up underexposing. The clouds were in force, obscuring everything, and the sun was timidly hiding behind them, peeking out for just a few seconds at a time before fleeing once again. I think I gave it an exposure of about 90-100 seconds. I should have doubled that, I think. The angle was also very difficult. I could not get a good angle off to the right because of the bushes. I tried to leave as much open space as I could behind the sculpture. I have learned, I have learned, never located two items of interest in front of each other unless there is adequate spacing. It is best to have my center focus of interest by itself. 

And the last one is the dragon! I put the tripod right in front of it, but it looks as if I were 10 feet away. I have to do better here and adjust, the wide angle is very wide for this 8x10 pinhole camera. Also, I hate the hose that wanders around it, but what could I do? I would have lost the angle on the face of the dragon. And, I cannot remove things, except for trash receptacles. Those I will move for my photos, but not items on the grounds. 

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