Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Another problematic 8x10 negative

 Here is another image from yesterday's trip, and it is more problematic than the first one. I currently have this negative in a tray of water, hoping to wash off that band of anti-halation layer that shows up as a light band in the middle. The composition is not spectacular, I just turned the camera around in a different direction. I wanted to take an image but, and these are lame excuses, I know, but it was cold and it we were barreling towards sunset and I just wanted to get a shot without have to trek up a hillside with that my tripod. The camera I can handle, it is the tripod that really annoys me (but is still very essential), and makes me want to do what Weston is famous for counseling, that if your subject is too far away from a car, then it is not worth photographing with an 8x10. Very funny, maybe he was saying it tongue-in-cheek, but I understand the thought.

By the way, I dropped this negative as I was taking it down from the line where it was hanging in the bathroom and taking it into my room, so it is a very dirty negative. I'm still experimenting with the 8x10, and will furthermore have to be very careful with my shadow. I cannot have a low sun behind me because it will mean projecting a long shadow. I need to watch out for this, and if I am going to shoot with the sun behind me, make sure it is higher up. See, I told you that the sun was getting low in the horizon.

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