Sunday, December 27, 2020

Last 8x10 pinhole from Alta Vista

 Here is a last composition from the Alta Vista garden in Vista, CA, taken several weeks ago. I developed it today, and it is the most, shall we say, infelicitous composition of the eight 8x10 images I took that day. There is a little stream that is shaded by trees, and it looks beautiful (and sounds very relaxing when you are next to it), but it does not make for a good photo. The contrast between the shaded parts and the part at the top that is lit by the sun was too extreme. Also, it is underexposed. I think I tried to give it two minutes with the recent 8x10 camera, but it was not enough. This was also Catlabs 80 film. Plus, notice the light leak! I know, I think it comes from where I insert the slide to the film holder. I need to address this.

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