Monday, October 19, 2020

A few more model photos

 Here are a few more examples of model photos that I took in the past. It must have been in the early to mid 2000s, because that was the approximate time when events were being held at this park in Ontario, CA. They were taken with Ilfor XP-2 Super film, which is the C-41 film that is developed and gives us wonderful black and white negatives. Usually there is almost no perceptible grain, but since I didn't develop these until 15 years later, I think they developed it subsequently as the emulsion changed in storage. I like the grain in these photos. They were scanned today as I am about to turn in for the day. They were scanned at 2400 dpi on my Epson V600 scanner. It makes me want to dig through my boxes of stored materials to see if I can find more negatives from this period, but no, things are busy enough as it is. 

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