Sunday, October 18, 2020

More from the whimsical garden at Alta Vista, pt. 1

 Here are a few more cellphone photos from my trip to the Alta Vista Garden in Vista, CA, one week ago. I downloaded these from my cellphone, I have many more but I am being selective. I loved this garden and will have to go back.

Alacrán, ¡no me piques! I wanted to take more photos of the desert garden but there was a family group with about three small children running wild, and they seemed to be homesteading there, taking their time and chatting, so rather than try to wait them out in the heat, I just took my shot.

Love this grassy area. Perhaps I might have it in infrared, I still have a few sheets I have to develop.

Desert cacti in the desert garden.

Love these monuments, they have a definite feel of Easter Island.

Desert garden

The shade was all wrong, I know it, but it was the best I could do then, knowing that I was not going to be able to stick it out for another four hours to see how the sun lit up the other side of this giraffe.

Love these planned areas. I am more and more appreciate of these garden arrangements. They are not as "natural" as one might think, and the use of the boulders gives it a very artful feel.

The big pond with turtles. Why not call it Turtle Pond? The vista from the other side is of...suburbia in San Diego county. 

Artwork near Turtle pond

San Diego suburbia calling (London calling!) in the background, each house worth at least half a million dollars if not more. 



Turtle Pond and artwork (you can see turtle island to the right!)

Easter Island at Alta Vista (well, no mention was made of Easter Island, it is my association)

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