Friday, October 30, 2020

Third batch from the arboretum

And the plethora of gifts never ceases! Here are more cellphone photos. I will scan and share photos of the negatives I took, but that might take a few weeks.

The rose garden near the house. I was not supposed to be walking in this direction, this is a one-way path and I was headed the wrong way, but no one else was here, so there I was. Nice flowers, but I am sure the color is more spectacular in the spring. I hope to be able to return.

Love these garden displays. Note the desert plant giving us the finger in the back.

This is another flower garden. There is a building behind it, from what I remember, it was used as a setting for Fantasy Island. Now, I will always hear Herve Villachaise exclaiming "The plane, the plane!" each time I see that house. Those palm trees, though, are an annoyance. I think the view would be much nicer without them.

Don't worry, I got a better shot of this using my Fuji camera and infrared film. 

Love these closeups of beautiful flowers. This camera has more capabilities than my previous camera. Of course, a camera does not take a shot, the photographer takes a shot.

Lovely colors.

Those palm trees are eyesores. 

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