Sunday, October 25, 2020

More from San Diego

 These are photos taken with the Kraken camera with a 135mm lens. Yes, that same camera about which I was expressing so much frustration because it was giving me blurry photos. The one which the maker/designer printed and calibrated for me, but turned out not to be calibrated. But anything could have happened, it might have slipped while in transit.

I used it at the San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas, a precious garden that I hope to revisit again. I remember that this time, I suspected that something was wrong with it, and I needed to adjust my photo technique with it. I focused for a distance closer than the actual distance that I judged, and I think it worked. I think more of the image was in focus, except for one notorious example in this series, but I have an explanation for that too. I think that will be my technique from now on, I will use the Kraken if I can't calibrate infinity focus, but just stop down the lens and also focus for much closer.

By the way, I found out something rather obvious. These are 6x12 images, but that is not accurate. The images size is smaller than that, and it varies. It is a shorter image than my 6x12 frames taken with the Holga 120 pan, so that is how I saw that there is variation between cameras. 

It turns out, a 6x12 cm image translates to (6x10)=60mm, and a 12 cm length would be (12x10)=120mm. Obvious, of course. But I measured my image size for these Kraken photos, and they are 54mm x 111mm, not 60x120. They are not really 6x9 cm, they are, of course, shorter, although the actual film is 60mm wide and however long it is. 

Focus is really poor with this frame. The fountain is fine, the background is not. I think I know what happened. The aperture setting arrow is very loose on the camera I am using, I just have to walk with the Kraken for it to move away from f16 to another setting. I think it must have opened up and I didn't really see it. I tried to be careful, trying to always confirm my f stop and my shutter, but it must have moved.

None of these images is distinguished. I hope I will learn my lesson. Try to focus on composition, don't just take photos out of momentum. 

Time to go to bed. It is 1:05 a.m.

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