Saturday, October 17, 2020

Another trip to the Claremont (Rancho Santa Ana) Garden

I wanted to go so I went. I wanted to see the California Botanic Garden (known also as the Rancho Santa Ana Garden) in the morning hours, since my two previous trips had taken place during the late afternoon. It is good to get a sense of the direction of the light and how it impacts the plants (and the photo compositions). I'll admit, when I woke up at 7:30 a.m. I didn't want to go, I wanted to remain in bed, but I said to myself once again, if it is easy, it is not worthwhile, and it is better to get out and go and see the plants. So I went.

This time I traveled light. I didn't take my 4x5 camera, and it felt like a big load had been taken off my back. I left my film holders behind as well, and only took the Fuji GW690ii camera, some 120 film and a Holga camera that I found out seems to be loaded with 35mm film, since even the frame window in the back is completely taped up. 

It was a quick trip and I arrived at about 9:30 a.m. I left at about 11:30, so it was two very pleasurable hours of walking around. The people who visit this garden are very, how should I say it, very considerate, they mostly wore masks and made the effort to respect social distancing. It was very cool, so this was the most comfortable visit I have made to the garden (in the past we endured Sahara desert-like heat). It was great, and I saw places I had not seen before, such as a pool that was quite beautiful.

I exposed two more rolls of JCH Streetpan in Infrared mode. I must find a way to develop at home, I cannot be taking this film all the time to the lab in Irvine. (I've already ordered some used metal reels for 120 from Ebay.) I don't think this garden will give me the spectacular shifts of fall color we see in other forests back east, but the wild flowers were beautiful. I will still keep returning, though. It is a pleasurable time here, even with the additional people who come during the weekend. Here are a few cellphone photos, I will need to develop my two rolls of JCH Streetpan (and buy some more from Freestyle!).

Wildflowers, a beautiful sight

Near the entranceway, a small desert garden

Near the flower garden area, with few flowers but still a nice area. I can't wait to return here in the spring of 2021

Artwork at the garden. I took this photo in Infrared also, so I can't wait to see how it looks. I am hoping that tree in the back will be white.

More artwork at the garden. I took this one in infrared too, I think. 

That is it, I will see if I can go to Los Angeles tomorrow to visit the downtown area, especially Chinatown, and surrounding streets that have murals. I've been concentrating so much on gardens that I feel I have neglected the urban spaces. I think I should be fine on a Sunday, I think that is when the foot traffic is lightest in the city.

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