Saturday, October 3, 2020

A park in Riverside

 Here are a few photos I took of a park in Riverside. It must have been very early this year, I seem to recall this visit took place before the pandemic hit us. They are 4x5 black and white negatives, but so, so thin, they are almost like thick sheets of clear plastic. One can barely make out any image on them. I don't know what happened, they might have been taken with the Arista 400 film that was giving me so many problems. I don't know why they are so thin, but I was able to extract an image with the scanner. These aren't full images, however, my Epson V600 doesn't cover 4x5, so I pick a strip in the center for it to scan. These are big scans, I scanned at 3200 dpi. I'll delete these scans as soon as they load here.

I hate to say it but Fairmont park is not a pretty park. It is for accommodating the working class masses, and that lake is not pretty. People fish there from time to time but I can't image they catch anything, I can't imagine anything living there in that water filled with muck. There are ducks (or some kind of foul fowl) around there and they leave their droppings everywhere. I don't know why I took this photo, there is nothing compelling about it. If you want visually exciting, go to Mt. Rubidoux next door, it offers much better photographic opportunities. I hate to say it but as they say in Spanish, "¡Se tenía que decir y se dijo!". 

Water splashes out of the pipes and into the lake. I thought I could make it look like a minor cascade, but no, it doesn't look wild at all. On the other side there are small islands with big trees on them, but I can't find a pleasing composition at all.

One of my challenges before the year ends is to obtain ten pleasing images of this park. It is a challenge, and I don't see how I can do it, but I'll try. I have to train my eye, and this will develop my abilities to see new things. Right now, all I can see is a rundown park where my family would go when we were kids during the hot summers. I have a few memories, but even then, it was a rough place. My grandmother came here with us once. I also told my dad here that he should stop drinking because alcohol kills brain cells, and he retorted that we all have to die of something. I feel terrible about it now, because I wish I had had a better relationship with my father. 

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