Friday, October 16, 2020

The Riverside Dickens Festival in February

A few more photos from Feb. 27th, 2020 (B.C. = "Before Covid"). I've been attending this Dickens festival in Riverside for the last few years, and while there aren't any dance performances, the ambiance is amazing. They try to recreate Victorian times, and they have people who dress up from that period, as well as actors who recreate characters. The individual who recreates the role of Edgar Allen Poe is amazing, I have heard and seen him perform and he utterly amazes us. He is, of course, an aspiring actor. It was held in the street next to the court building, at other times it has been held next to the Riverside library (which is soon to open as a museum of Chicano Art called the "Cheech"), and at the Riverside Convention Center. I'm just happy it is still held. 


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